Kentucky Pain Associates is a medical practice offering pain management for injured in car wrecks and workplace injuries. Motor vehicle accidents (MVAs) are a significant reason people come to KPA. The injuries from automobile collisions are diverse in both the type and severity. We typically provide information about our treatment options, but today, let’s offer seven tips to help you avoid a car wreck, especially during this time of year.
Seven Tips to Help You Avoid a Car Wreck
Tip #1 – Remember that everyone is distracted during the holidays. Take a few deep breaths before you head out on the road. While driving, expect the unexpected. We’ve all been there. Someone may be having a bad day. The kids in the car beside you may be distracting the driver. Pressures from work, bills and other issues can cause someone to lose track of what he/she is doing. Don’t overreact when another driver makes a mistake or simply isn’t paying attention. The calmer you remain, the easier it’ll be to simply avoid the issue and arrive safely at your destination.
Tip #2 – Increase the distance between you and the car in front of you. Traffic gets congested causing sudden stops. If you’re following too closely, you could crash into the other car. This may result in whiplash or brain injury, even at slow speeds.
Tip #3 – Remember to always use your turn signal. This seems basic, but many people forget to do it. The signal lets people oncoming drivers know your intention, as well as those behind you. By using your turn signal consistently, you’ll let the cars behind you to slowdown in time to avoid colliding with you.
Tip #4 – Watch your speed. During this time of year, the weather is often a factor in a motor vehicle accident (MVA). Exceeding the speed limit can make cause you to fishtail around corners or slide when making quick stops. If the roads have any precipitation (especially snow or ice) your speed will be considered by the police officer when completing the police report and documenting which driver appears to be the “at-fault” driver.
Tip #5 – Turn on your headlights. Many people assume that if it’s light outside, they don’t need the headlights. They fail to realize that when your headlights are one, so are the other safety lights. Other drivers will be able to see you more effectively, especially in the rain. This is a key safety factor. Just because you can see, doesn’t necessarily mean everyone else can see you. This is particularly true if you have a grey or dark colored car.
Tip #6 – If you’re driving near a tractor trailer, make sure there’s plenty of room before you merge in front of the truck. The size of 18-wheelers make it very difficult for truck drivers to quickly stop their vehicles. Just because you’ve passed the truck, doesn’t mean there’s enough room for you to cut over. If traffic suddenly stops, the trucker may not be able to stop in time. Tractor trailer collisions often result serious injuries and sometimes fatalities. Don’t become a statistic.
Tip #7 – Remember to replace worn or damaged windshield wiper blades. As the weather changes, more road spray and other chemicals will make it difficult to safely see the other cars, and pedestrians, while driving. If your wiper blades are not fully clearing your windshield, those smears are a sign you need to replace the blades. As a responsible driver, you are expected to maintain your vehicle in a safe driving condition. This includes your wiper blades. Make sure you can see your fellow drivers, so you can avoid a car wreck.
We hope you’ve found these seven tips to help you avoid a car wreck useful. They’re basic actions you can take to drive safely. We understand that while these can protect you, not all drivers exercise the same amount of caution. If you are unfortunately involved in a motor vehicle accident (MVA) during the next few months, Kentucky Pain Associates is ready to help you to recover from your pain related to your car wreck.
Need to Set Up an Appointment with Kentucky Pain Associates?
We Offer 3 locations to serve you:
Louisville: 222 South 1st Street, Suite 300, Louisville, KY 40202
Elizabethtown: 1107 Crowne Point Dr., Suite 100, Elizabethtown, KY 42701
Lexington: 101 Prosperous Place, Suite 300, Lexington, KY 40509
Feel free to Contact Us via the website or by calling (502) 855-3919. We also provide a telemedicine option (video call) for people outside of those areas.
Remember, work injury or MVA? Think KPA!
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