“Back pain will affect up to 80% of adults at some point in their lives.” – Dr. Jason Lewis
Dr. Lewis was recently named 2015 Top Doc in Pain Management by members of The Greater Louisville Medical Society.
Dr. Lewis explains that while most back pain is temporary, lasting only a couple of weeks or months, some people experience chronic symptoms. The physicians at Kentucky Pain Associates are comprehensive spine specialists utilizing promising treatments for patients with chronic back pain. They are dedicated to helping these patients regain control of their lives.
Spinal Cord Stimulation is an exciting procedure becoming increasingly popular for the treatment of many causes of chronic back pain. This revolutionary treatment works by blocking pain signals from traveling through the spinal cord to the brain. It involves a small device placed near the spinal cord in the epidural space. The spinal stimulator device delivers low-level electrical impulses that interfere with the perception of chronic nerve pain.
Maybe it’s time you considered spinal cord stimulation. How do you know if you are candidate? Have conservative therapies failed you? Have you been told you would not benefit from additional surgery? You might be a candidate if your medications are no longer effective, you have coexisting leg or arm pain, you no longer want to be dependent on medications or your level of daily activities has diminished. Other indications include Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Sciatica, Diabetic Neuropathy and Peripheral Vascular Disease. Visit kypainassociates.com to learn more, or call Kentucky Pain Associates and Top Doc Dr. Jason Lewis for a consultation: 502-855-3919.
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